Wednesday, May 21, 2014

And in that moment, it hit me like a ton of bricks

As I sat across from a spunky bank teller named Tenika, my mind was frazzled. To be honest, I couldn't help but think about anything other than how early it was & how I hadn't yet consumed enough coffee to be awake & handling business. After back and forth chit-chat on confusing bank talk, it was done. Jonah's Coogan account was officially established & I was good to go. 

After shaking Tenika's hand & thanking her for helping me out & dealing with my no-make up morning face, she said "You're welcome sweetheart, promise to bring that superstar of yours in here one of these days, alright? I gotta meet him!"

And in that moment, it hit me like a ton of bricks. 

My sweet boy, my son... my Jonah, was signed with one of the biggest entertainment agencies in the world. My life & his was about to change.. and fast. As excited as I've been since the day I received THAT email, I don't think it truly hit me, how incredible of a roller-coaster ride (scary too) we just agreed to jump on. 

But boy, has it hit me now. To even think that one of these days in the near future, I could be walking by a blown up add of my boy's face in a mall, or turning the page of Sunday's Target add & seeing his rad little self modeling their newest summer outfits while sipping on my morning coffee- BLOWS MY MIND. 

I've asked myself every day since getting signed, how this happened. How we were lucky enough to be blessed with something so HUGE. & all that comes to mind, no matter how long I think, or how hard I try to search for an answer, is God. It's that simple.. It isn't luck, & it wasn't a coincidence, it's God that made this happen. All him. & for that, I am and will forever be grateful for him.

I want to thank every single one of you that have congratulated & sent well wishes to Jonah and myself, since making this announcement. Your support & kind words mean more than you will ever know!!! Wishing I could give all of you gems enormous bear hugs to show my appreciation. 

Keep your eyes pealed for my Jonah Rylin, big things are about to start happening. 

J-man and I love you ALL & thank you for visiting the RadAndRebellious. Make today beautiful. Make it count. Xo

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